European and Indian History follows same trail.

Europe(Latin/Old Italian : Europa and Greek: Εὐρώπη) and India are two sub-continents plays very important role in world's history since many great influencing ideas,Philosophy,Civilizations,Classical Literature, Art and Architecture came from these two continents. World would be less rich without these two lands.
It's indeed amazing to see these continents share almost same 'narrative' of history.
There are ethnic groups common in both continents history.

  1. Hunter gathers
  2. Neolithic Agriculturists
  3. Indo-Europeans(strictly linguistic)
In case of Europa, hunter gathers were first inhabitants of Europe. Some people hypothesized they might had blue eye and dark skin(Chedder Man). Euro-centrists,however, challenged this view. Nevertheless, there is no conclusive evidence to show they had dark skin [1]. They might have build stone age architecture in England,UK.
Today in England, an average English speaker have 13%-16% ancestry from Chedder man [2].
In Sub-continent, hunter gathers go by tag 'Ancient Ancestral South Indian'. These might have arrived in India during first wave. Unlike Europe, today this ancestry is preserved at large amount among even upper class people .
This people might have spoken some different unknown languages. We don't know for sure. We can only theorize.
Razib khan theorized these people might be same as South-East Asia people.
Thangaraj et al concludes, "Our data indicate that the Andamanese have closer affinities to Asian than to African populations and suggest that they are the descendants of the early Palaeolithic colonizers of Southeast Asia"
2) Neolithic Agriculturist.
Probably the most import component. Around 9000 BCE agriculture was practiced(or discovered) in what is now called as 'Fertile crescent'. These people,however, are not same people. The world's first farmers are indeed very diverse[3].
The farmers of Anatolia should have moved to Europe since Europe is very close to Turkey. These Anatolians might introduced fair skin alleles to dark skinned Southern Europeans [4]. Civilization around the world was spread through this farmers. DNA testing of ancient Egyptians show the obvious connection with ancient East Mediterranean and Levant people [5]. DNA testing of Indus periphery and Rakhighri show significant Iranian ancestry. These Anatolian farmers made significant impact on Modern Europeans. Today, modern Greeks have 47% to 50% ancestry from these farmers.
In India, these farmers are called Neolithic Iranians aka Iran_N.
These people many isolate languages. Narashiman et al preprint calculates some 7000 BCE to 5000 BCE arrival of Iran_N component. Mixed with AASI to form IVC.
These people might have brought proto-Elam-Dravidian language. Proto-Dravidian might have diverged from its parent around 2500 BCE. Dravidian languages are not diverse like Indo-European, Niger-Congo and others shows this is very new. Caucasoid racial feature might have introduced through this.
Today, modern UP Brahmans have 38% to 40%.
Tamil Brahmins,however, show elevated numbers. Razib says migrating Brahmans might have mixed with elite wannabes like Vellalas,Reddys,Naidus and this could be reason for their elevated number when compared to their northern counterpart. Dravidian Middle castes have this ancestry around 45%-55%.
3) Indo-Europeans.
At end of the day,both the sub-continents conquered by these Horse obsessed cultured people called Proto-Indo Europeans originated at Pontic steppes.
Which made everlasting impact on both continents. These people achieved this though 'elite -recruitment'(Anthony 2006).
Domestication of horse made this migrate faster.
Both the classical language of Europe are PIE languages.
In India, 'deva-bhasa' Sanskrit is also a PIE language branched off from PIIr.
Today,modern French and Germans have this ancestry around 40%, Greeks and Italians have around 26%, and Brahmins have around 27%.
In Europe there is people called as Basque they are pre-Indo-European people. They have R1b haplogroup around 88% which is Indo-European . However, their main ancestry is Anatolian farmer. They have low fraction of steppe ancestry.
This is prime example for saying there is no automatic relation between Y-DNA haplogroup frequency and ancestry.
Basque being non-PIE having R1b around 88% speaks volumes about complexity of genetics. This is not place for amateurs to draw conclusions.
"Obviously the relationship between Y chromosomes and genome-wide ancestry is complex" - Razib [6]
There is no relation between Anthropology,Linguistics and Genetics.
Ancient Greeks and Old Italy are called as 'cradle of western civilization'. In India second phase of urbanization started in Vaigai and Ganga river. Tamil and Sanskrit are India's classical language of great literature like Latin and Greek.

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